the girl who giggled so sweet

I see you watching me watching you.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

a POOP day

Andrew and I went to Diwali festival down at the Britomart after we had lunch at Saika.

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I was reluctant to buy anything from the food stalls because it does not look the most hygenic.


My fingers twitched when I see " YUMMIEST SWEETS-STALL" sign ahead.

I whipped up my purse and gave my shiny 2 dollar coin to the vendor.

I bought a piece of toffee sweet.

(never mind the diarrheoa, who can resist special diwali sweets? pedulilah, eat first-pain later la!)

"the yummiest delicacy ever."


I was conned!!

The toffee tastes like nasty piece of brown poop.

It is a piece of ill-tempted handmade caramel (melted sugar) with pieces of peanuts (not properly roasted. ie:RAW) and yukky stale mints leaf in it.


Too bad I do not have pictorial evidence for that piece of poop.


gimme my shiny 2 dollar back.

ps: I saw Don Brash and his wife having their picture taken in a photobooth in the Diwali fest.
ooooh, celebrity sighting. lol.


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